
Monday, September 3, 2018

is the plastic problem really that bad?

Is the Plastic problem really that bad?

Hi my name is rollin and i am here to discuss is the plastic problem really that bad? Plastic is used over 100 times twice a day PLASTIC SHOULD BE BAND AS ALL THOUGH IT IS. but is the plastic problem really that bad?

Plastic kills more than 1,000 marine life every week. plastic containers should be banned plastic bags should be band and also plastic bottles should be banned. plastic was discovered from 1907 by leo hendrik baekeland. The first plastic based on a synthetic polymer was made from phenol and formaldehyde, with the first viable and cheap synthesis methods invented, Belgian-born American living in New York state. to see what happens in the future but it came out as a threat to animals and even humans. plastic is known for rubbish and is covered the whole of india's sea the plastic spreads each and everyday. there is only one way it can stop. all animals die from what humans did by creating deadly plastic there is so many ways why plastic is bad.

Don't litter because it kills creature’s

Reuse plastic for designing thing’s.

Don’t use glad wrap it is bad for the earth.

Don't get pak n save plastic bags they kill bird’s.

Don't bother to use plastic bags stick to normal bags because it kills animals.

Plastic is know for many things and is known to kill marine life everyday plastic destroys habitats in nz and kills thousands of land creatures i think the plastic problem is bad! It has filled china’s cities and pilluted the indian sea ever since the plastic took over the environment we have been seeing changes in life. birds get killed by plastic sea creatures get killed by plastic and even rare animals including kiwis get killed from it. It's so bad that one piece of plastic is strong enough to choke a bird till its dyes when we use plastic what would you do with plastic reuse it or litter i choose reuse it plastic is starting to clog the whole of new zealand mind you it's already started in auckland's street flat bush and all around kawa kawa thanks for watching i hoped you enjoyed 😃…… TY TY

why is important to tell the truth?

Why is it important to tell the truth :explain why:
It is important to tell the truth cause if u lie to much nobody
will believe you for the last lie you told.
It is important to tell the truth cause if you don't own up
someone else will / might get the entire blame.
It is important to tell the truth because you can be
trustworthy if anything happens to you.
It is important to tell the truth because if you lie and get away
with things it's not the person sitting next to you feeling bad its you.
It is important to tell the truth cause if it's you and you got away with
things then a teacher told your teacher it was you it might be
embarrassing to know you lied to your teacher.
It is important to tell the truth cause you know your being
truth ful you can be real trustful and your known as a honest person.
It is important to tell the truth cause when your older you can
teach others why it's bad to lie but good to tell the truth
The truth can provide many good things in life including happiness.